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ProSpot Product Line

PHS-101 Battery Operated Welder

Because every shop is different and has varied needs, our expert sales team stands ready to help you select the right lift for your shop. We serve customers inMaryland, Virginia, Metro D.C., West Virginia and Delaware. Monday-Friday from 8am to 5pm. Give us a call for more information at 800.604.9653.

PHS-101 Battery Operated Welder

No 3-Phase required! Battery operated DC spot welding system with current monitoring. The Hybrid Spot now features weld current monitoring to show the operator how much current is delivered to each weld. The unit can also alert the user when the weld current falls below a preset level. The Hybrid Spot Resistance Spot Welder provides a great alternative spot welder where 3 phase power is not available or overloaded. The battery operated welder delivers high amperage DC weld current designed to produce powerful spot welds. No input power is required to operate the welder. The built-in charging system is capable of charging all batteries at the same time.


  • 4 Cable System

  • Double-Acting Spot Gun

  • Two Sided Spot Welding

  • Single-Sided Welding

  • Current Monitoring

  • Battery Operated

  • 600lb Squeeze Pressure

  • X-Gun Adapter (optional)



More Features


Hybrid Series – Battery Operated Welder

Convenient 110V/220V Auto-sensing outlet on back for easy re-charging! Can also be charged while welding. Load test of battery system included.


PS-500 Double-Acting Spot Gun

Push one button to open electrodes wide, then push the other button to close electrodes and weld. Pro Spot’s PS-500 Spot Gun System features electrode pressure over 600 Lb. with all extension arm sizes. I-CAR minimum recommended squeeze pressure is 400lb.


Extension Arms

The Hybrid comes standard with several different types of weld arm extensions (508mm U-Arm, C-Arm, Wheelhouse Arm) and others are available at request, so that you can tackle any welding problem with as much ease and accuracy as possible. From left: PS-503 600mm U-Arm, PS-305 508mm U0Arm, PS-306 C-Arm Deep, PS-403 X-Adapter, PS-302 C-Arm, PS-52-5/8 Wheelhouse Arm.


Front Panel

The PHS-101 features a simple and clean front panel layout, utilizing a weld control button and LCD screen to reduce power consumption maximizing the number of welds the PHS-101 is capable of handling.

  1. Weld Control Button

  2. System Display

  3. Air Pressure Gauge

  4. Air Pressure Regulator


Single-Sided Welding

The Hybrid is capable of handling a variety of single-sided welding needs, including:

  • Washer

  • Nut & Bolt

  • Nail

  • Rivet

  • Stitch

PHS-101 Battery Operated Welder .png


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